Ghana Coat of Arms – Freedom and Justice

Ghana Coat of Arms – Freedom and Justice.

The coat of arms of Ghana was designed by Ghanaian artist Amon Kotei and was introduced on 4 March 1957. The first quarter, on the upper left, shows a sword used by chiefs, and a staff, used by the linguist (known as an okyeame in Akan), at ceremonies. It is a symbol of the traditional authority of Ghana.

The second quarter shows a representation of Osu Castle on the sea, the presidential palace on the Gulf of Guinea, which symbolizes the national government. The third quarter of the shield shows a cacao tree, which embodies the agricultural wealth of Ghana.

The fourth quarter shows a gold mine, which stands for the richness of industrial minerals and natural resources in Ghana. A gold lion centered on a green St George’s Cross with gold fimbriation on the field of blue represents the continuing link between Ghana and the Commonwealth of Nations.

The crest is a Black star of Africa with a gold outline, upon a torse in the national colors. Supporting the shield are two golden Tawny eagles, with the Order of the Star of Ghana suspended from their necks. The compartment upon which the supporters stand is composed of a grassy field, under which a scroll bears the national motto of Ghana: Freedom and Justice.

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